Exhibition display: 8 art works; 8 videos, 40’ each; 1 sound piece, 14’; decorative panels painted in white and pink, one desk and chairs. Prix Emile et Stephy Langui de la Jeune Peinture Belge, 2007.
« Le rêve est une hypothèse puisque nous ne le connaissons jamais que par le souvenir, mais ce souvenir est nécessairement une fabrication. »
Paul Valéry (Variété, 1924-44)
Originally, a notebook that accumulates the transcription of works of art seen in dreams
and their supposed referents in the real world. This notebook becomes the support of a retrospective exhibition that borrows from reality and fantasy without hierarchy. The dreams are reconstructed in a modular setting, inhabited by extras and recorded by overhanging cameras. In the exhibition, the recordings are broadcasted in front of a second space below. The re-
used decorative elements surround original and referencial art works from private and public collections. At times, the footsteps and murmurs of the extras resonate among those of the visitors.
Art works:
Koert Declercq, Vosseslag Photography, 2004
Nicola Dinoia, Seat,
Oil on canvas, 2005
Anneke Eussen, Lucky Me!, Digital print, 2005
Haïdée Henry, Venus
, Mixed media, 2005
Francois Morellet
, 2 carrés - oeuvre n°93019,
Oil on canvas, neon, 1993
Hilde Roekens, De Moeder, Ceramics, 2006
David Sauval, Broodthaers in Judd, Mixed media
, 2002
Niel Toroni, Photography from the public art work at De Markten Brussels, Ludovic de Vlam, 2007